Hydroponic Fertilizers


Big Cannahuna Nutrients are super excited about these products that have recently become available for purchase. We've got our Ultimate Hydroponic Fertilizer Kit and it's little brother, the Ultimate Hydroponic Fertilizer Starter Kit. We've got Bud Buddy Bloom Booster which utilizes the 1:3 Phosphorus to Potassium ratio that's been proven through University research studies to increase both bud/fruit volume and density. We've also developed a new finishing formula called Funky Finish which maximizes bud volume and density while improving flavor and aroma during the final 2 weeks prior to harvest.

Big Cannahuna Nutrients Ultimate Hydroponic Fertilizer Kit

 Big Cannahuna Nutrients Ultimate Hydroponic Fertilizer Kit, and it's smaller version the Ultimate Hydroponic Fertilizer Starter Kit, is a 2 Part Nutrient System consisting of a Part A and a Part B which are proportioned during mixing according to the stage of the plants life cycle. This formula induces aggressive leafy growth and root development during the early and vegetative stages of the plant. During the flowering and fruiting stage it maximizes bud volume and density while enhancing flavor and resin production. This product is 100% water soluble, dissolves fast and is pH adjusted. When used as directed this product will produce better or equivalent results to any product of it's type available.

Bud Buddy Bloom Booster

Big Cannahuna Nutrients Bud Buddy Bloom Booster is our premium "bud maximizer" that utilizes the 1:3 Phosphorus to Potassium ratio that's been proven through University research studies to increase both bud volume and density. This formula is meant to be used in combination with a base fertilizer solution from Week 3 of the flowering stage until 2 weeks prior to harvest. Our own internal research has shown a significant increase in bud density resulting in heavier harvests while using this product. This formula also contains Magnesium and Sulfur, is pH adjusted and 100% water soluble. There are similar products on the market retailing for a much higher price, don't waste your $$$$ paying for their expensive advertising campaigns, buy Big Cannahuna Nutrients Bud Buddy Bloom Booster to maximize your harvests!

Big Cannahuna Nutrients Funky Finish

Big Cannahuna Nutrients Funky Finish is designed to promote increased volume, and density while enhancing flavor and aroma in maturing buds and fruit. This formula really brings it home. The nitrogen is kept very low relative to the phosphorus and potassium to induce the plant into using up any excess chlorophyll and nitrogenous compounds removing adverse flavors caused by these compounds. The high phosphorus and potassium content gives the plant the energy it needs for buds to reach their full genetic potential, adding girth and maximizing terpenes and botanicals resulting in better flavor and enhanced aroma. Our finishing formula is revolutionary and a trail blazer that's so effective at what it does that it's now being "knocked off" by one of the largest most successful brands in the hydroponic fertilizer industry.
Big Cannahuna Nutrients Funky Finish is used during the final 2 weeks prior to harvest every time you water. No flush is needed, don't waste your time and $$$$. Big Cannahuna Nutrients Funky Finish will act as a flush. The results are amazing making this finishing formula a must for serious growers. Don't let your plants go dormant during the final 2 weeks prior to harvest by giving them only water. Feed them Big Cannahuna Nutrients Funky Finish for the best results possible.